Gretl for Mac is application that has been designed for econometric analysis. It is written in the C programming language and is also available for the Windows platform. Key features include:.
Intuitive user interface. Multilingual support. A wide variety of estimators including: least squares, maximum likelihood, GMM; single-equation and system methods. Time series methods: ARIMA, a wide variety of univariate GARCH-type models, VARs and VECMs (including structural VARs), unit-root and cointegration tests, Kalman filter, etc. Limited dependent variables: logit, probit, tobit, sample selection, interval regression, models for count and duration data, etc. Panel-data estimators, including instrumental variables, probit and GMM-based dynamic panel models. Output models as LaTeX files, in tabular or equation format.
Integrated powerful scripting language (known as hansl), with a wide range of programming tools and matrix operations. GUI controller for fine-tuning Gnuplot graphs. An expanding range of contributed function packages, written in hansl. Facilities for easy exchange of data and results with GNU R, GNU Octave, Python, Ox and Stata. Supported formats include:.
Own XML data files. Comma Separated Values.
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Gnumeric and Open Document worksheets. Stata.dta files.
SPSS.sav files. Eviews workfiles. JMulTi data files.
Own format binary databases (allowing mixed data frequencies and series lengths). RATS 4 databases and PC-Give databases. Gretl for Mac has language support for English, French, Italian, Spanish, Polish, German, Basque, Catalan, Galician, Portuguese, Russian, Turkish, Czech, Traditional Chinese, Albanian, Bulgarian, Greek, Japanese and Romanian.
Gretl on OS X Gretl: Gnu Regression, Econometrics and Time-series Library for Mac OS X on Intel (X11 version) Step 0: install X11, if need be (first time only) If you're running OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion) or higher, and you don't already have X11 installed, you'll have to do this first. (X11 came installed by default on OS X up to 10.7.) You get X11 from.
Step 1: install GTK (first time only) Some additional libraries are needed to support gretl, namely GTK and friends. If you are running OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) or higher, install GTK using.
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Some notes on this package can be found in. If you are running an older version of OS X (10.5 or lower) you should install of GTK (or ). Step 2: install gretl Now for gretl itself: grab and install either the latest release or the current 'snapshot'. The snapshot is more up to date: often it will contain bug-fixes but sometimes it will contain newly introduced bugs. To see what's new in the snapshot, take a look at the gretl (the 'in progress' entry). Latest release (Dec 21, 2018) OR current snapshot After downloading, double-click on the gretl dmg file to mount the disk image.
Open the disk image in the Finder and drag Gretl onto Applications. But note: if you're updating an existing installation of gretl you should first open Applications in the Finder and delete the old Gretl item. Once you're done installing gretl you can eject the disk image and delete the dmg file. The gretl disk image is documented in, which contains some suggestions for trouble-shooting. Briefly, if you want to debug a non-functioning gretl on OS X, please try this: open an X11 terminal window; change directory ( cd) to (where you installed the package); change directory to Contents/Resources/bin and run the command./gretl This should give you some feedback on what is going wrong. Optional extras You may wish to install X-12-ARIMA and/or TRAMO/SEATS.
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These are specialized programs for analysis of seasonal time series data, in versions compatible with gretl. X-12-ARIMA for Intel Mac TRAMO/SEATS for Intel Mac.